In stock
- Makes the water crystal-clear
- Removes brown discolourations by tannins reliably
- Can be regenerated uncountable times
In stock
- Establishes aquarium biofilter rapidly and safely
- For freshwater and marine water systems
In stock
- Carbon source for the aquarium
- Can have a positive effect on algae reduction
- Especially against red algae
In stock
- Perfect for attaching moss on rocks and driftwood
- Makes planting bunch plants a breeze
- Bonds within seconds
- Can even be used underwater
- Can be used for any plastics repairs
In stock
- High porosity biomedia for efficient biofiltration
- Both external and internal macroporous surface area
- Completely inert and will not breakdown
- Grain: approx. 10 mm
In stock
- Dual suraface algae pad
- Chemically inert
- Does not use soaps or detergents
In stock
- Ideal for Seachem Purigen
- Extremely durable under water, verrottet nicht
- Resistant against bleach
- With sealed seams
In stock
- Highly concentrated ferrous gluconate additive
- Prevents chloroses
- Concentrated iron intensifies the colour of the leaves
In stock, only 9 left
- Concentrated water conditioner
- Binds ammonia, nitrit and nitrate
- Binds chlorine and choramine
- Free of acids and neutral to pH
- For marine and freshwater aquariums alike
In stock
- Perfect for beginner and aquarists who want to supplement macro nutrients
- Available as Plant Pack Fundamentals and Enhancer NPK
- The practical all-round solution from Seachem
In stock
- Ideal for Seachem Seachem PhosGuard, MatrixCarbon, SeaGel, de*nitrate, Renew, Matrix and Zeolith
- Extremely durable under water
- Zipper resistant against bleach
- With stitched seams
In stock
- Natural water treatment through bio-augmentation
- Increases water clarity and reduces excess nutrients
- For use in freshwater and marine systems
In stock
- Nitrogen fertilizer for heavyly planted tanks
- No affect on phosphorus
In stock
- Potassium fertilizer for heavyly planted tanks
- No affect on nitrogen or phosphorus
In stock
- For marine and freshwater aquariums alike
- Extrem effective reduction of ammonia
- Has no influence on the water hardness
- No calcium reduction
In stock
- Adjusts pH to the neutral range
- Removes any chlorine, chloramine, and detoxifying ammonia
In stock
- Growth stimulating tablets for plant roots
- Rich in iron, manganese, magnesium, calcium, potassium and other factors
- Perfect for the beginner
In stock
- Binds free ammonia
- No influence on the pH
- Works within minutes
- For marine and freshwater aquariums alike
In stock
- Cleans itself
- With corrosion protection
- Suitable for fresh and sea water
- Available in 4 sizes
In stock
- Replacement foam for Seachem Tidal Filter
- 2 sponges per package
- Precisely cut to fit
- 4 different sizes
- Easy to clean
In stock
- 100% RTV silicone rubber
- Permanently flexible
- Resists high stresses and pressure
- Watertight seal in black or clear
- Use in freshwater and saltwater
In stock, only 6 left
- Corrosion-resistant plastic
- Measures up to 300 g in 0,1 increments
- Units in grams or ounces
- Battery-operated
- Battery not included
In stock, only 18 left
- Dual suraface algae pad
- Chemically inert
- Does not use soaps or detergents
In stock
- Safe solution of potassium phosphate
- Free of nitrate
- Allows dosing of phosphorus without risk of overdosing nitrate
- Enhances plant growth