Echinodorus 'Rubin Narrow Leaf'

Narrow-leaf Rubin Swordplant

Echinodorus 'Rubin Narrow Leaf'

Narrow-leaf Rubin Swordplant

  • Narrow-leaved Echinodorus cultivar
  • Young leaves ruby red and transparent
  • Grows to a height of 20 to 35 cm
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Mittelgrundpflanze für Aquarium

Middle ground

Hintergrundpflanze für Aquarium


Akzent (farbig) Aquarienpflanze

Accent (colour)

Solitärpflanze für Aquarium


Schwierigkeit der Aquarienpflanze
Difficulty Easy
Wachstum der Aquarienpflanze
Growth Medium
Licht über dem Aquarium
Light Medium
Wasserhärte maximal für diese Aquarienpflanze im Aquarium
Water hardness maximum Hard
Pflegehöhe von Aquariumpflanzen
Recommended care height 15-30 cm
CO2 im Pflanzenaquarium
CO2 No
Diskus im Pflanzenaquarium
Discus suitable Yes
incl. VAT
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Echinodorus 'Rubin Narrow Leaf' is a highly recommended, relatively small sword plant cultivar. It is also known as E. 'Rubin var. lancifolius'. The name already indicates that it resembles the Echinodorus hybrid 'Rubin', which is larger and broad-leaved overall. The younger underwater leaves are intense ruby red and transparent, with light-coloured veins. Older leaves take on brown-olive tones.
We have noticed that ‘Rubin Narrow Leaf’ is often mistakenly sold as "Echinodorus horemanii 'Red'". The real "horemanii 'Red'" is a broad-leaved reddish-brown form of Echinodorus uruguayensis, which has apparently become rare in the trade.
Under water, 'Rubin Narrow Leaf' develops an approximately 25 - 40 cm wide and 20 - 35 cm high rosette of many elongated-lanceolate, curved leaves that are about 2 - 2.5 cm wide. The leaf edges are often curved towards the underside.

Like many other sword plants, Echinodorus 'Rubin Narrow Leaf' is not very demanding and grows in soft to hard water with pH values between 6 - 9, but is grateful for a nutrient-rich substrate. The addition of CO2 is not a must, but is very favourable for growth. The most favourable temperatures are between 20 and 28 °C. The plant develops its most beautiful colouring in a bright, unshaded position.

This rather narrow-leaved Echinodorus cultivar with its moderate growth height fits well in medium-sized aquariums. As an accent in the middle ground, it contrasts particularly well with light to medium green plants with its red-brown to ruby-red tones.

This Echinodorus hybrid is a recommendable aquarium plant, which is also known as Echinodorus 'Rubin' var. lancifolius and E. 'Rubin' "Schmalblättrig". It is also mistakenly sold under the name "Echinodorus horemanii 'Red'", whereas the real "horemanii Red" has apparently become rare in the trade.

Echinodorus 'Rubin Narrow Leaf' is similar to the cultivar 'Rubin', but remains smaller and narrower-leaved overall. The younger underwater leaves are intensely ruby red and transparent, with light-coloured veins. Older leaves take on brown-olive tones.

Under water, the plant develops a rosette about 25 - 40 cm wide and 20 - 35 cm high, consisting of many elongated-lanceolate, curved leaves that are about 2 - 2.5 cm wide. The leaf edges are often bent towards the underside.

Synonyms Echinodorus 'Rubin' var. lancifolius, Echinodorus 'Rubin' "schmalblättrig"
Family Alismataceae
Genus Echinodorus
Difficulty medium
Usage Background
Growth slow
pH value 5 - 7
Temperature tolerance 15 - 30°C
Carbonate hardness 0 - 21°dKH
General hardness 0 - 30°dGH
Propagation Proliferating inflorescences, Rhizomteilung
Can grow emersed? yes
Source Flowgrow
Echinodorus 'Rubin' var. lancifolius, Echinodorus 'Rubin' "schmalblättrig"
pH value
5 - 7
Temperature tolerance
15 - 30°C
Carbonate hardness
0 - 21°dKH
General hardness
0 - 30°dGH
Proliferating inflorescences, Rhizomteilung
Can grow emersed?

General information

Item no.
EAN 8715897264207
Weight 0,00 kg
Shipping weight 0,00 kg

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